Posted in October 4, 2012


3 c. unsifted flour
2 c. sugar
4 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. salt
1- 16 oz. can pumpkin
3/4 c. vegetable oil
1/3 c. apple or orange juice
4 large eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
1/2 c. raisins
Confectioner sugar.


Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a 10 inch. Bundt pan.In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. In a small bowl, beat pumpkin, oil, juice, eggs and vanilla. Stir pumpkin mixture into flour mixture until well combined. Fold in nuts and raisins. Turn into prepared pan and bake 55 to 60 minutes or until cake tested in center comes out clean. Turn out of pan. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.