When you return home after a long day it is often difficult to think about preparing a healthy meal for one. If you are hungry and tired, it is tempting to reach for a loaf of bread and sandwich makings or rely on a canned or frozen prepared meal. But even though frozen food entrées, "instant" and prepared meals may satiate your hunger, they often do not fulfill your body's nutritional needs. To maintain your energy level, prevent sugar and carbohydrate cravings and avoid binging, make a conscious effort to eat at least one well-rounded, home-cooked meal each day.
Step 1
Purchase bulk nuts and dried fruits from your local health food store and keep them on hand for snacking. Keep frozen berries, plain or flavored plain yogurt, milk or a milk substitute on hand to make a breakfast smoothie when the workday morning gets away from you.
Step 2
Wash, peel and cut carrots, peppers, radishes and other crunchy crudités and store in a large container of water in the refrigerator ready for stir-fry or snacking. Snack on raw vegetables while you prepare a simple homemade soup from organic broth, vegetables on hand and a shredded chicken breast.
Step 3
Choose a few of your favorite dishes and prepare a large tray or a couple of casseroles on the weekend. Refrigerate one or two servings for the current week's menu and store the remaining portions in individual plastic containers and freeze for another time.
Step 4
Look for small appliances such as crockpots and counter grills specifically designed to make individual servings. Search online for cooking blogs geared toward healthy cooking for singles. Pay particular attention to quick and healthy recipes, food budgeting and grocery shopping techniques.
Step 5
Give yourself permission to enjoy an occasional takeout meal to prevent feeling deprived. Select from your predetermined list of moderately healthy alternatives, and make a point to enjoy the indulgence. Return to your regular, healthy dietary plan without guilt.
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