It is important to pay attention to your caloric intake, because consuming too many calories can lead to an unhealthy weight gain. Foods high in calories can have a place in your healthy diet, as long as they are eaten in small amounts on an occasional basis. The Mayo Clinic website adds that the weight gain that can accompany a high-calorie diet may also contribute to heart disease, diabetes and high-blood pressure. Milk chocolate is one of these foods that is not considered healthy because of the number of calories a small serving contains. A 1.5-oz. milk chocolate bar has 235 calories.
Another consideration is the addition of high-fat ingredients to achieve the taste and consistency associated with milk chocolate. Eating a diet high in unhealthy saturated fats can lead to dangerous conditions like cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, obesity and certain types of cancer. Milk chocolate has a large amount of fat, much of it saturated fat. A 1.5-oz. serving of milk chocolate has 13 g of total fat, 8.1 of it saturated.
Sugar is another major consideration when it comes to milk chocolate. Like fat, a great deal of sugar is added to the chocolate. The sugars are refined, which can lead to health problems if consumed in large amounts. Filling up on foods high in sugar can also leave little room for more nutritious foods, which can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Carrying around excess weight can contribute to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, according to the Mayo Clinic website. A 1.5-oz. milk chocolate bar has almost 23 g of added sugar.
Other Nutrients
Milk chocolate has a surprising number of important nutrients but should still be considered an occasional part of your diet rather than something you eat everyday. A 1.5-oz. serving of milk chocolate has 83 mg of bone-supporting calcium, as well as 1 mg of iron. The same amount of milk chocolate also provides 164 mg of potassium and 1 mg of zinc. In addition, this serving of milk chocolate supplies 86 IU of vitamin A and 2.5 mcg of vitamin K.
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